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> WebKit утечка памяти. Проблемы с кэшем., непонятно.
  опции профиля:
сообщение 14.7.2009, 8:24
Сообщение #1

астарожна ынтжинэр

Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 1404
Регистрация: 26.11.2008
Из: ТаганрогРодинаЧехова
Пользователь №: 435

Спасибо сказали: 113 раз(а)

Репутация:   23  

#include <QApplication>
#include <QWebView>

int main(int a,char** b)
    QApplication app(a,b);
    QWebView view;
    QAction reloadAct(&view);
    return app.exec();

в принципе и всё.
жмешь "CTRL+R" и наблюдаешь картину утечки памяти. так же память утекает даже не при полной перезагрузке страницы, а если к примеру бегать табами по ссылкам.
баг этот висит еще с 2008 года тролли не хотят его отрабатывать.
думал сначала что я такой кривой и чего то не досмотрел в описании, однако если взять браузер из %QTDIR%\domos\browser тоже память жрёт... с 42Мб с легкостью догна до 200Мб и походу предела нет. :(

Пробовал различные настройки QWebSettings тоже без результатов.
Память утекает даже если каждые десять минут удалять QWebView и создавать новый. Поэтому думаю что проблема с кэшем. У тролей нашел такой кусок кода:
QNetworkDiskCache *diskCache = new QNetworkDiskCache(this);
QString location = QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::CacheLocation);

пробовал устанавливать настроенный таким образом networkAccessManager в объект QWebPage -- без результатов.

Создал тролям таск с воплями о том что память утекает вроде пришло письмо. задаче назначен номер.
но всё же может есть у кого нитть идеи как работать с кэшем корректно??? может кто знает как пропатчить тролевский код???
я полез там конечно закручено прилично.
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  опции профиля:
сообщение 14.7.2009, 19:57
Сообщение #2


Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 1207
Регистрация: 8.12.2008
Из: Russia, Moscow
Пользователь №: 446

Спасибо сказали: 229 раз(а)

Репутация:   34  

Проследил за демкой browser, утечка ~115Кб

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[I] Summary of all memory leaks... {115318 bytes, 1861 blocks}
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 57538 bytes from 325 blocks allocated in ZN12QWebDatabaseD1Ev [QTWEBKITD4.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x0fa1b928, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000049 referenced by 0x0fa1b92c, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000049 referenced by 0x0f9b78e0, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x0000003c referenced by 0x0f9b78e8, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000040 referenced by 0x0f9b78ec, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000048 referenced by 0x0f9b7908, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000038 referenced by 0x0f9b790c, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x0f9b7b78, a location in a malloc'd block
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                 29928 bytes from 29 blocks of 1032 bytes (first block: 0x0fd8dff0)
                  3848 bytes from 26 blocks of 148 bytes (first block: 0x0fa05ac0)
                  3084 bytes from 3 blocks of 1028 bytes (first block: 0x1601a6b0)
                  1764 bytes from 63 blocks of 28 bytes (first block: 0x0f9ce018)
                  1720 bytes from 5 blocks of 344 bytes (first block: 0x14fb6428)
                  1209 bytes from 1 block of 1209 bytes (0x15f5b640)
                  1176 bytes from 7 blocks of 168 bytes (first block: 0x0fa167d0)
                  1024 bytes from 1 block of 1024 bytes (0x162ff208)
                  1005 bytes from 1 block of 1005 bytes (0x1615f018)
                   902 bytes from 1 block of 902 bytes (0x0fa9b110)
                   881 bytes from 1 block of 881 bytes (0x164225a8)
                   721 bytes from 1 block of 721 bytes (0x0feaef00)
                   713 bytes from 1 block of 713 bytes (0x14dbd018)
                   704 bytes from 8 blocks of 88 bytes (first block: 0x0fd939e8)
                   674 bytes from 1 block of 674 bytes (0x0f9c3ee0)
                   585 bytes from 13 blocks of 45 bytes (first block: 0x0fe025e0)
                   544 bytes from 4 blocks of 136 bytes (first block: 0x0fa1ec08)
                   520 bytes from 1 block of 520 bytes (0x0f9fbe88)
                   430 bytes from 10 blocks of 43 bytes (first block: 0x0fdaa738)
                   392 bytes from 1 block of 392 bytes (0x0fdfcba8)
                   352 bytes from 8 blocks of 44 bytes (first block: 0x0fd8d670)
                   336 bytes from 7 blocks of 48 bytes (first block: 0x0fd90348)
                   324 bytes from 3 blocks of 108 bytes (first block: 0x0fdfcd58)
                   322 bytes from 7 blocks of 46 bytes (first block: 0x0fe02428)
                   303 bytes from 3 blocks of 101 bytes (first block: 0x0f9b78d8)
                   300 bytes from 3 blocks of 100 bytes (first block: 0x0f9b7968)
                   248 bytes from 2 blocks of 124 bytes (first block: 0x0fe52a58)
                   247 bytes from 19 blocks of 13 bytes (first block: 0x0fd32468)
                   232 bytes from 8 blocks of 29 bytes (first block: 0x14d621e0)
                   208 bytes from 4 blocks of 52 bytes (first block: 0x0fd6c4d0)
                   177 bytes from 3 blocks of 59 bytes (first block: 0x0fd52aa0)
                   160 bytes from 2 blocks of 80 bytes (first block: 0x150c0820)
                   159 bytes from 3 blocks of 53 bytes (first block: 0x0fd6be40)
                   150 bytes from 2 blocks of 75 bytes (first block: 0x0fd90418)
                   142 bytes from 2 blocks of 71 bytes (first block: 0x0fea7948)
                   132 bytes from 12 blocks of 11 bytes (first block: 0x0fdb6fc0)
                   130 bytes from 2 blocks of 65 bytes (first block: 0x16080b08)
                   120 bytes from 3 blocks of 40 bytes (first block: 0x150e5bb8)
                   120 bytes from 10 blocks of 12 bytes (first block: 0x0fdada78)
                   114 bytes from 2 blocks of 57 bytes (first block: 0x0fd57c78)
                   112 bytes from 7 blocks of 16 bytes (first block: 0x0fd93aa0)
                   110 bytes from 2 blocks of 55 bytes (first block: 0x1506cc38)
                   109 bytes from 1 block of 109 bytes (0x0fdadb60)
                   102 bytes from 6 blocks of 17 bytes (first block: 0x0fd420b0)
                    94 bytes from 2 blocks of 47 bytes (first block: 0x0fe0c478)
                    87 bytes from 1 block of 87 bytes (0x0fd948f0)
                    86 bytes from 1 block of 86 bytes (0x0fdfb1a0)
                    74 bytes from 1 block of 74 bytes (0x0fd903a0)
                    61 bytes from 1 block of 61 bytes (0x0fa07340)
                    58 bytes from 1 block of 58 bytes (0x1506cc98)
                    54 bytes from 1 block of 54 bytes (0x0fa1d9c8)
                    50 bytes from 1 block of 50 bytes (0x0fd863b8)
                    49 bytes from 1 block of 49 bytes (0x0fd6cb00)
                    45 bytes from 3 blocks of 15 bytes (first block: 0x0fd93a68)
                    39 bytes from 1 block of 39 bytes (0x15fca528)
                    37 bytes from 1 block of 37 bytes (0x16309288)
                    36 bytes from 1 block of 36 bytes (0x163f2f20)
                    34 bytes from 1 block of 34 bytes (0x14eb6a08)
                    33 bytes from 1 block of 33 bytes (0x0fe48dd8)
                    32 bytes from 1 block of 32 bytes (0x0fd65ac8)
                    28 bytes from 2 blocks of 14 bytes (first block: 0x0fdadbf8)
                    27 bytes from 1 block of 27 bytes (0x0fd837c8)
                    25 bytes from 1 block of 25 bytes (0x0fd84fb8)
                    24 bytes from 1 block of 24 bytes (0x0fd7fca0)
                    22 bytes from 1 block of 22 bytes (0x0fd89db0)
                    10 bytes from 1 block of 10 bytes (0x16076880)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 19008 bytes from 297 blocks allocated in D:\WORK\QT-ALL-OPENSOURCE-SRC-4.5.2_GCC440\DEMOS\BROWSER\DEBUG\QTWEBKITD4.DLL
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                 19008 bytes from 297 blocks of 64 bytes (first block: 0x0f9f8d10)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
                ???            [D:\WORK\QT-ALL-OPENSOURCE-SRC-4.5.2_GCC440\DEMOS\BROWSER\DEBUG\QTWEBKITD4.DLL ip=0x088F69A3]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 14372 bytes from 808 blocks allocated in Z7qMallocj [QTCORED4.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x0fa411d0, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x0fa4c144, a location in a malloc'd block
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                 12272 bytes from 767 blocks of 16 bytes (first block: 0x0ef04b68)
                   960 bytes from 16 blocks of 60 bytes (first block: 0x0fd4a628)
                   780 bytes from 15 blocks of 52 bytes (first block: 0x0fa09bd8)
                   128 bytes from 2 blocks of 64 bytes (first block: 0x15065038)
                   120 bytes from 6 blocks of 20 bytes (first block: 0x0fd80090)
                   112 bytes from 2 blocks of 56 bytes (first block: 0x0fda8038)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 6732 bytes from 17 blocks allocated in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.DLL
            Offset 0x00000020 referenced by 0x76f321e3, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000120 referenced by 0x76f321e7, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000018 referenced by 0x002bf1d8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  6732 bytes from 17 blocks of 396 bytes (first block: 0x002bad60)
            Allocation location
                LocalAlloc     [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL]
                ???            [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.DLL ip=0x57BD3030]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 4056 bytes from 6 blocks allocated in GetTextCharset [GDI32.DLL]
            Offset 0x000001de referenced by 0x76f3246f, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000026d referenced by 0x775f889d, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000026c referenced by 0x775f8ba5, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000026c referenced by 0x775f8ba9, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000269 referenced by 0x775f8ea5, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000269 referenced by 0x775f8ea9, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000268 referenced by 0x775f8fa5, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000268 referenced by 0x775f8fa9, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000287 referenced by 0x775f90a9, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000286 referenced by 0x775f91a5, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  4056 bytes from 6 blocks of 676 bytes (first block: 0x0025b198)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                GetTextCharset [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                GetViewportExtEx [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 4044 bytes from 337 blocks allocated in ZNK9QWebFrame26qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macroIS_EEvRKT_ [QTWEBKITD4.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                  4044 bytes from 337 blocks of 12 bytes (first block: 0x0f9b70f0)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 2048 bytes from 1 block allocated in ZN12QWebDatabaseD1Ev [QTWEBKITD4.DLL]
            Offset 0x000003f7 referenced by 0x09525da8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000658 referenced by 0x0fff03b8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000007b0 referenced by 0x0fff9498, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000003a0 referenced by 0x15711e88, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000003f8 referenced by 0x15711ea8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000004b8 referenced by 0x15711ee8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000510 referenced by 0x15711f68, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000080 referenced by 0x15c49858, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000568 referenced by 0x15c4ea98, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000002e8 referenced by 0x15c4eaf8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  2048 bytes from 1 block of 2048 bytes (0x161b9ba0)
            Allocation location
                realloc        [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 1920 bytes from 30 blocks allocated in D:\WORK\QT-ALL-OPENSOURCE-SRC-4.5.2_GCC440\DEMOS\BROWSER\DEBUG\QTWEBKITD4.DLL
            Offset 0x00000014 referenced by 0x094aeb61, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  1920 bytes from 30 blocks of 64 bytes (first block: 0x0fe8e0e8)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
                ???            [D:\WORK\QT-ALL-OPENSOURCE-SRC-4.5.2_GCC440\DEMOS\BROWSER\DEBUG\QTWEBKITD4.DLL ip=0x088F69A3]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 1352 bytes from 2 blocks allocated in GetTextCharset [GDI32.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000138 referenced by 0x15f6ceff, a location in a malloc'd block
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  1352 bytes from 2 blocks of 676 bytes (first block: 0x002684c8)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                GetTextCharset [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                GetTextExtentPointA [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                IsWindowUnicode [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 1320 bytes from 5 blocks allocated in I_RpcBCacheFree [RPCRT4.DLL]
            Offset 0x000000b6 referenced by 0x75dc5245, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x002823a8, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                  1320 bytes from 5 blocks of 264 bytes (first block: 0x00266d70)
            Allocation location
                HeapAlloc      [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL]
                I_RpcBCacheFree [C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 676 bytes from 1 block allocated in GetTextCharset [GDI32.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000067 referenced by 0x019b8624, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000001d4 referenced by 0x01bed963, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000007c referenced by 0x09295637, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000017c referenced by 0x0929563f, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000027c referenced by 0x09295647, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000000c9 referenced by 0x0932f207, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000000c9 referenced by 0x093a8c2a, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000001d4 referenced by 0x099fb447, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x000001d4 referenced by 0x6a373643, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                   676 bytes from 1 block of 676 bytes (0x002c3998)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                GetTextCharset [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 676 bytes from 1 block allocated in GetTextCharset [GDI32.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000132 referenced by 0x094a0474, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x00000016 referenced by 0x002ed8c4, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000009a referenced by 0x002edae4, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000000e referenced by 0x165923fa, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Offset 0x0000000e referenced by 0x165c1e4e, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                   676 bytes from 1 block of 676 bytes (0x002ec018)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                GetTextCharset [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 312 bytes from 3 blocks allocated in WmiOpenBlock [ADVAPI32.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                   312 bytes from 3 blocks of 104 bytes (first block: 0x15842e90)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                WmiOpenBlock   [C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 228 bytes from 8 blocks allocated in Z7qMallocj [QTCORED4.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000014 referenced by 0x14fe5ae4, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000014 referenced by 0x15f90e68, a location in a malloc'd block
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                   196 bytes from 7 blocks of 28 bytes (first block: 0x0fe8ea60)
                    32 bytes from 1 block of 32 bytes (0x1630dac0)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
                EnumDisplayDevicesA [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                EnumDisplayDevicesA [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                EnumDisplayDevicesA [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 176 bytes from 1 block allocated in mmDrvInstall [WINMM.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                   176 bytes from 1 block of 176 bytes (0x002aac38)
            Allocation location
                GlobalAlloc    [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL]
                mmDrvInstall   [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 144 bytes from 3 blocks allocated in StartWsdpService [MSWSOCK.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                   144 bytes from 3 blocks of 48 bytes (first block: 0x0ff803b8)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                StartWsdpService [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 136 bytes from 1 block allocated in lock [MSVCRT.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000009 referenced by 0x0ef05948, a location in a malloc'd block
            Offset 0x00000009 referenced by 0x0ef05868, a location in a malloc'd block
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                   136 bytes from 1 block of 136 bytes (0x0ef05868)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
                lock           [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 104 bytes from 1 block allocated in WmiOpenBlock [ADVAPI32.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000051 referenced by 0x61593e91, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                   104 bytes from 1 block of 104 bytes (0x15845708)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                WmiOpenBlock   [C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 88 bytes from 4 blocks allocated in waveOutMessage [WINMM.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                    88 bytes from 4 blocks of 22 bytes (first block: 0x0029dd60)
            Allocation location
                HeapAlloc      [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL]
                waveOutMessage [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 80 bytes from 1 block allocated in GetBitmapBits [GDI32.DLL]
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f218ae7, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f218bb7, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f218c8f, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f223d87, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f225ac7, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f225baf, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f225c97, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Offset 0x0000004f referenced by 0x0f225d7f, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                    80 bytes from 1 block of 80 bytes (0x002691b0)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                GetBitmapBits  [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                CreateFontIndirectExW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 80 bytes from 1 block allocated in GetBitmapBits [GDI32.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                    80 bytes from 1 block of 80 bytes (0x002785d8)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                GetBitmapBits  [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                GetROP2        [C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.DLL]
                IsWindowUnicode [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 48 bytes from 1 block allocated in StartWsdpService [MSWSOCK.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                    48 bytes from 1 block of 48 bytes (0x0ff804c0)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                StartWsdpService [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 48 bytes from 1 block allocated in StartWsdpService [MSWSOCK.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                    48 bytes from 1 block of 48 bytes (0x0ff80410)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                StartWsdpService [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [W] MLK: Memory leak of 48 bytes from 1 block allocated in StartWsdpService [MSWSOCK.DLL]
            Distribution of leaked blocks
                    48 bytes from 1 block of 48 bytes (0x0ff80360)
            Allocation location
                RtlAllocateHeap [C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDLL.DLL]
                StartWsdpService [C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
                GetWindowLongW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 48 bytes from 4 blocks allocated in ZNK9QWebFrame26qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macroIS_EEvRKT_ [QTWEBKITD4.DLL]
            Offset 0x00000008 referenced by 0x094e0e96, a location in a section in a loaded module
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                    48 bytes from 4 blocks of 12 bytes (first block: 0x0fa3fb78)
            Allocation location
                malloc         [C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.DLL]
    [I] MPK: Potential memory leak of 36 bytes from 1 block allocated in QuerySecurityPackageInfoW [SECUR32.DLL]
            Offset 0x0000000a referenced by 0x0f246658, a location in a memory-mapped range
            Distribution of potentially leaked blocks
                    36 bytes from 1 block of 36 bytes (0x002b0678)
            Allocation location
                LocalAlloc     [C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.DLL]
                QuerySecurityPackageInfoW [C:\WINDOWS\system32\SECUR32.DLL]

Я не говорю, что памяти не жрет, но утечки практически нет. Кстати release версия браузера жрет меньше памяти. И почему-то в браузере у меня работает YouTube, флешки, музыка. А в простейшем приложении с QWebView не работает.

Сообщение отредактировал SABROG - 14.7.2009, 20:09
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Сообщений в этой теме
- kwisp   WebKit утечка памяти. Проблемы с кэшем.   14.7.2009, 8:24
- - Litkevich Yuriy   kwisp, в случае подобных ситуаций, баг или подозре...   14.7.2009, 8:59
- - kwisp   в таск трекере всё указано. первый таск Qt 4.4.0. ...   14.7.2009, 9:03
- - SABROG   Профайлер такие результаты выдал[I] Summar...   14.7.2009, 9:05
- - kwisp   жесть короче. какой же вывод можно сделать? скольк...   14.7.2009, 9:09
- - SABROG   Не думаю, что утечку в 64Кб можно назвать утечкой....   14.7.2009, 9:14
- - kwisp   SABROG, я тебя не пойму. попробуй если интересно ...   14.7.2009, 17:44
- - SABROG   Проследил за демкой browser, утечка ~115Кб Раскры...   14.7.2009, 19:57
- - IMPOMEZIA   Цитата(kwisp)баг этот висит еще с 2008 года тролли...   15.7.2009, 5:27
- - kwisp   SABROG, Цитата(SABROG @ 14.7.2009, 20:57...   15.7.2009, 10:09
- - kwisp   вот вопрос к теме про память valgrind указывает на...   16.7.2009, 10:00
- - kwisp   ОТВЕТ троллей: The growing memory usage is due to...   20.7.2009, 11:20
|- - IMPOMEZIA   248414 Resolution Rejected Это что означает даже ...   6.10.2009, 1:32
- - Litkevich Yuriy   плохо, что они не коментаруют в трекере. Может тро...   6.10.2009, 4:46
- - kwisp   не хочу грешить на разработчиков но может тут и во...   6.10.2009, 8:39
- - kwisp   что то поправили. надо проверять:) вот   12.10.2009, 8:55

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